I love toy photography and a big time motorbike nut! I am in my early 40s and still try to ride to office in my Kawasaki Ninja leaving my four wheeled mobility home! So for this Independence Day (15th August, 2024) I decided to do a photoshoot that depicts freedom from my perception… So Motorbike it is!! Yeah for me riding my bike makes me feel like bondless, limitless and true freedom for me is that. But I don’t have that many accessory to truly depict this so I made some diorama pieces and the stage is all set!
FYI all these are shot outdoor with natural light and captured using a Nikon D3100 DSLR and 55-200mm telephoto lens for maximum background compression. This first shot was done using a diorama wall I made few years back (build link here) to bring the garage feel! Technically all the rides starts from a garage right!
Lets start ride shall we? For the ride shot I decided to put my action figure poseing skills to good use! Yeah the side that faces the camera looks good but other side is shit… but this is toy photography so we do what we do the best. I kind of loved this pose and setup so I did two shot in landscape and portrait!
The close up of this particular setup was so good, I thought it would be cool to have a wide shot as well and it came out even cooler! The background shows up a lot more details and the sidewalk (diorama piece I made) did show up more as well! Being a wide shot, I had to do a bit of photoshop to crop off his left leg, which is sticking out a bit!
The next shot is of the rider stopping by to catch up some air and enjoy the view… The view is just wow and definitely a place to stop and chill for a while! The bridge railing and the sidewalk (as you have seen in the previous pic) are made by me and they looks so good and some how realistic! I have to adjust the background print multiple time just to get this shot right!
Lets relax a bit before we wrap up this ride shall we? Yeah its rest time and enjoy the view and admire the view in peace. Yeah this is the original idea since day one and I started work on this diorama piece few days earlier. All these came into play on time and I got this beautiful shot as I have planned inside my head.
I always do a greeting card and for this Independence Day, I decided to use my favourite shot! I added some fighter planes smoking tricolour and those wishes to announce the purpose and this hit my social media handles on time! Overall I had fun shooting this theme but due to other commitments I couldn’t finish all the photoshoot so I finished it yesterday and posting it today! Till next time… Ciao.