4th of July is one occasion that love to capture through my toy photoshoots and this year’s photoshoot was special as I picked Spiderpunk for the first time. I love to have Captain America as the host of Independence Day photoshoot but that is getting boring over time so Spiderman (actually Spider-punk) comes out to enlighten the day!

Marvel Legends Spider-punk - Rooftop Diorama

First up, the diorama or the base he is stand on is custom made and is still a work in progress! I been planning this very them for quite some time and finally this year I decided to make my own diorama to make it a reality! The diorama is custom made for any kind of rooftop photography as it is double sided. It has grey walls with big stones on the inside and brick wall with regular size bricks on the outside to add variation.

Marvel Legends Spiderpunk - Rooftop Diorama

Enough about the diorama (I will a full coverage on the diorama soon, so hold on), the figure I wanted have since day one was Spiderman but Batman also gave a good fight for this prestigious spot. Spiderman being set as a them, I decided to pick one from my collection and this Marvel Legends Spider-punk came in as my favourite as he has more casual outlook with jackets, sneakers and all.

Marvel Legends Spiderpunk - Rooftop Diorama

The idea is to place spider on the rooftop in a way he can enjoy the 4th of July fireworks as he pleases. He arrives in his favourite skating board and settles down on the roof. For added casual look, I added some popcorns to munch on. There were two light to illuminate him to give that fireworks kind of lighting (BTS in my Instagram @figstop) and photo came out far better than I expected!

Marvel Legends Spiderpunk - Rooftop Diorama

As this Marvel Legends Spider-Punk has a very cool jacket so I thought I will show off his jacket’s embossed print and I decided to put him on the ledge facing the other side and clicked a few shots! I loved this shot with the small peak of his skateboard and it also shows the jackets well. I have to do very little post processing, actually I just added the fireworks and very basic color correction, which makes it one of the most enjoyable toy shoot to date.

Happy 4th Of July - Card

Finally the card that wanted to put in my Facebook page and Instagram and I jumped onto Photoshop and made this card, which is subtle yet cool! I loved doing this photoshoot and really enjoyed it. Thanks to YouTube, Pinterest, Google Images, Instagram and Facebook I could get inspired fast and learn any missing skill to bridge soon. Overall it was a great Toy Photoshoot, hope you enjoyed it. Happy 4th of July to you all. Ciao.

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